Tabeeb Factory

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Tabeeb Vascular ; headquarter contacts information
Tabeeb Vascular ; headquarter contacts information


Tabeeb Vascular ; headquarter contacts information

Call Number

+98 21 88482671

Tabeeb Vascular ; headquarter contacts information


How Tabeeb Vascular Can Help You Improve Your Patients’ Cardiovascular Health

We are proud to announce that Faraz Teb Jam Gostar is our official representative in Iran. Faraz Teb Jam Gostar is a company that specializes in importing and distributing medical equipment and supplies in Iran. They have a strong network of customers and partners in the healthcare sector and a reputation for excellence and professionalism.

لوگوی فراز طب جم گستر نمایندگی انحصاری فروش شرکت دانش بنیان طبیب درمان پژوهش قلب
 Faraz Teb Jam Gostar Company, the sales representative of Tabeeb Vascular

Call Faraz Teb

+98 21 43425

Email of Faraz Teb Jam Gostar Company, the sales representative of Tabeeb Vascular


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